Soon to be realesed the English version of "TERRA INCOGNITA. SOUL GEOGRAPHY. (CANADA - ENGLAND - TUNISIA) by Mihai Victor Afilom, both in print edition and e-book, at a major international publishing house. STAY CLOSE!
A comprehensive travel journal with a lot of references from history, arts and literature about the places from three continents, seen from the personal point of view of the author.
Who am I? An underground Romanian poet, born near the Corvin Castle, in Hunedoara County, trying to find my way in the vast territories of literature.
Published books (in Romania) :
1. "Snakes from the Sun" - poems - Emia Publishing House
2. "Therapeutic Easel" - poems - Singur Publishing House
3. "Fluid Laments" - poems - Inspirescu Publishing House
4. "Graffitti. The mask from the mirror. Memories Rubik Cube" - essay and poems - Inspirescu P.H.
5. "Circles in the fields of words" - poems - Colorama Publishing House
6."Terrra incognita.Soul Geography(Canada-Anglia-Tunisia)"-travel journal-Singur Publishing House
O carte care inspira atat cititorul dornic de calatorie, cat si cel avid de cultura si istorie...